DR 3344

Re-Reading Ancient Tragedy and the American Drama – Level 5

  • UK Credits: 15
  • US Credits: 3/0/3

Catalog Description

Examination and analysis of contemporary American playwrights who have used themes from ancient Greek tragedies. Study of fundamental questions on adaptation, appropriation and discovery of the strong links that bind American drama to ancient Greece.


American dramaturgy, from the 20th century onwards, has often moved in parallel to ancient Greek tragedy which has a great impact both on the themes, as well as on the aesthetics and language of the American playwrights.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of taking this course, the students should be able to: 


  1. Identify the meanings of inspiration, appropriation, adaptation with regard to aesthetic form, artistic intention and audience. 
  2. Analyze American theatre plays in the context of the modern American history and culture. 
  3. Explore new theatre plays by contemporary American playwrights. 
  4. Compare modern cultural trends to ancient Greek tragedy. 
  5. Discuss contemporary performances in terms of their textual and artistic influences from the ancient tragedy.

In congruence with the teaching and learning strategy of the college, the following tools are used: 


  • Lectures, directed discussions and presentations. Learning activities include screenings of videos, slide presentations and guest lectures. Classes will explore these practices through DVDs, and web-based and written documentation of theatre and performance, artist-led lectures and workshops. 
  • Office hours: students are encouraged to make full use of instructor’s office hours for questions, to see their exams/papers, and/or go over lecture material. 
  • Use of Blackboard site, where instructors post assignment instructions, timely announcements, as well as additional resources.


First Assessment: Midterm paper (1500 words)40%
Final Assessment: Portfolio of critical writings (2000 words)60%



Play analysis and discussions0%


The formative assessments prepare students for all summative ones. 


First Assessment tests Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 5 

Final Assessment tests Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5


Students are required to resit failed assessments in this module.


Selected Chapters from: 


Liapis, Vayos and Sidiropoulou Avra. Adapting Greek Tragedy: Contemporary Contexts for Ancient Texts. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 


Palmer, David (ed). Visions of Tragedy in Modern American Drama. Methuen Drama, 2018. 



Adam, Julie. Versions of Heroism in Modern American Drama. Palgrave Macmillan, 1991. 


Middeke, Martin et al (eds). The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary American Playwrights. Bloomsbury, 2014. 


Taxidou, Olga. Tragedy, Modernity and Mourning. Edinburgh University Press, 2004. 


Telò Mario.Archive Feelings: A Theory of Greek Tragedy.Classical Memories/Modern Identities. Ohio State University Press, 2020.

Oral and written assignments using proper English.

  • Modern American drama at the end of the 20th and in the 21st century; different textual forms, various playwrights and themes.
  • Aesthetics: new American “tragedies” and their social-cultural historical context from which they are inspired. 
  • Gender Theories: modern American female playwrights re-writing ancient tragedies.
  • The importance of the ancient Greek tragedy and its linkage to the modern American theatre.

Careers at Deree4

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6 Gravias Street 153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece


Careers at Deree

At Deree, we are committed to supporting a dynamic culture of inclusion and individual responsibility. We believe in creating a meaningful and fulfilling work environment.


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6 Gravias Street 153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece


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