Sociology is the study of institutions, groups and social roles and how these connect to individual lives.
It combines:
- Scientific rigor grounded on systematic methodologies;
- Theoretical sophistication demonstrated by powerful theories, which challenge common social perceptions;
- Openness because it welcomes dialogue with other disciplines;
- Relevance because it facilitates the evaluation of opportunities and constraints in the societies in which we live.
In conjunction with Anthropology, Sociology deepens understanding of the cross-cultural links among societies and thus appreciation of cultural diversity.
Full Time
Balancing the best values of the US system of liberal arts education with the student-centered approach of the British educational system, the Sociology program offers a solid curriculum with a diversity of courses in the following areas:
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods • Globalization and Migration • Family, Gender and Health • Social Movements • Media and Film • Deviance and Crime • Science and Technology • Urban Sociology and the Environment • Modern Greek Society and Culture
The Sociology program is creatively complemented by a cluster of Anthropology courses.
The subject-specific skills acquired in Sociology enable graduates to build a robust degree, flexible enough to enable them to pursue challenging career paths. As successful holders of advanced degrees, sociology graduates can pursue career paths in academia internationally, with emphasis on teaching and research. Outside academia, sociological knowledge of working with diverse groups is essential.
With this knowledge Sociology graduates:
Generally, sociology degrees provide students with a rich reserve of knowledge and critical skills, valued across the professional spectrum. In many occupational sectors sociology’s relevance to the understanding and analysis of action in complex social environments and organizations proves the ‘advantage’ Sociology graduates can demonstrate.
The mission of the Accounting & Finance Society is to respond to the needs of the accounting and finance major/minor students. The Society’s main focus is to provide academic support to its members and serve as an informal link between the students and the Accounting and Finance Department.
The Accounting & Finance Society has a long tradition in organizing academic events, such as lectures, panel discussions, seminars and field trips. These events expand students’ horizons by linking the theoretical knowledge gained through coursework with the practical perspective offered by leading practitioners in business.
The Society also organizes fun events, like bake and memorabilia sales, to raise funds for various projects.