DA 2025

LE The Choreographies of the American Musical

  • US Credits: 3/0/3

Catalog Description

The historical evolution, structure, content and aesthetics of the American musical. Its dramaturgical role within the musical form. Opportunity to learn and perform choreographies from landmark works of American Musical Theatre.


This course is designed to examine the role and significance of dance and choreography within the American Musical Theatre. Learning and performing selected choreographies from the most significant American musicals is enhanced by analyzing historical, cultural and social elements that contextualize the (on-going) evolution of the genre.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of taking this course, the student should be able to: 


  1. Demonstrate understanding of the historical and socio-cultural context of American Musical Theatre. 
  2. Identify key practitioners, their style and their contribution to the form. 
  3. Relate choreography to libretto, lyric and music.
  4. Demonstrate ability to perform basic sections from the repertory.

In congruence with the teaching and learning strategy of the college, the following tools are used: 


  • Studios: students are encouraged to use studio facilities for further practice.
  • Library: Students are encouraged to make use of the library facilities for their assignments. 
  • Office hours: students are encouraged to make full use of the office hours of their instructor, where they can ask questions and go over class material. 
  • Use of a blackboard site, where instructors post notes, assignment instructions, timely announcements, as well as additional resources.


Written Analysis (1000 words)30%
Solo Performance Project (3-4 minutes)70%



In-class participation0

The formative of “In-class participation” and “Rehearsals” aim to prepare students for the examination. 


The “Written Analysis” tests LO 1 

The “Solo Performance Project” tests LOs 2-4


Everett, W. A. ed. (2008) The Cambridge Companion to the Musical.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Bush-Jones, J. (2003) Our Musicals, Ourselves: A Social History of the American Musical Theatre.

New England: University Press of New England.


Kantor, Michael, et al. Broadway: The American Musical. PBS Home Video, 2004 



uploaded in Blackboard

Use of proper English for all written and oral assignments.

MSOffice, Blackboard CMS.

  1. The choreography of the American Musical, origins and main features: popular culture (the musical) vs. high art (opera and ballet).
  2. The role of the choreography in relation to the libretto, lyrics and music.
  3. The choreography of the American musical as a reflection of an American ‘body politics’.
    3.1 The ‘dream ballet and the conquest of the West (e.g. Oklahoma).
    3.2 America in a time of war (e.g. South Pacific).
    3.3 America as a cultural melting pot (e.g. Flower Drum Song, West Side Story, The Lion King).
    3.4 America’s civil struggles (e.g. Hair, South Pacific, Porgy & Bess).
  4. Key works and practitioners (e.g. Agnes de Mille, Jerome Robbins, Bob Fosse, Bennet, Taymor).
  5. Musical Theatre Dance Forms.
    5.1 Forms and Styles and from early vaudeville to contemporary era.
    5.2 Vernacular Roots: Jazz, Tap, Swing.
    5.3 Social Dance Motifs.
    5.4 Lyrical/Contemporary.
    5.5 Latin/Ethnic.
  6. Performing the Choreography.
    6.1 Mastering of steps, movement on and off stage as solo or part of group.
    6.2 Clarity of dance style, accuracy of rhythm and musicality.
    6.3 Perform choreography while expressing and maintaining ‘characterization’ and theme of story line.

Careers at Deree4

At Deree, we are committed to supporting a dynamic culture of inclusion and individual responsibility. We believe in creating a meaningful and fulfilling work environment.


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6 Gravias Street 153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece


Careers at Deree

At Deree, we are committed to supporting a dynamic culture of inclusion and individual responsibility. We believe in creating a meaningful and fulfilling work environment.


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Learn more about Deree's admission requirements, timeline and what we are looking for in an applicant.


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6 Gravias Street 153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece


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