DA 2018

LE Body Awareness and Movement - UK Level 4

  • UK Level: 4
  • UK Credits: 15
  • US Credits: 3/0/3

Catalog Description

Practical anatomy and physiology of the moving body. Health & safety of the moving body, awareness of an individual's body schema, movement range and kinesthetic sense as a foundation to understand the expressive potential of kinetic form. Ethics of working "physically" with others.


Theoretical and practical knowledge of the “moving” human anatomy, combined with ”in studio” exercise and movement offer increased quality of one’s physicality and somatic self awareness. This course also offers an opportunity to learn and apply various somatic practices and techniques of breathing, relaxation, posture, coordination and efficient use of energy. Movement tasks and studies lead to kinetic expression and creativity.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of taking this course the student will be able to: 


  1. Identify main anatomical structure, function, and potential for movement in the human body. 
  2. Develop awareness of personal movement range and creative possibilities within this to analyze their personal movement profile. 
  3. Apply knowledge of body therapies studies to move efficiently and correctly, understanding the concept of ‘sustainability’ in relation to human motion. 
  4. Experiment with movement notation for in-studio practice. 
  5. Apply health & safety concepts in relation to the moving body both individually and when working with others. 
  6. Understand the ethics of practice when working with another ‘body’.

In congruence with the teaching and learning strategy of the college, the following tools are used: 


  1. Instructor led classes attending to both individual and group instruction. 
  2. Preparing studies for feedback and discussion. 
  3. Individual portfolio documenting individual research throughout the course. 
  4. Use of a Blackboard site, where instructors post lecture notes, assignment instructions, announcements, and other resources. 
  5. Office hours: students are encouraged to make full use of the office hours of their instructor, where they can be consulted as to their research paper, assignments, or any other element of the module.


Mid-Term Practical Examination ( assess. # 1 )35 %
Written Examination ( assess # 2 )15 %
Final Movement Project ( research and presentation ) ( assess. # 3)50%



In class coursework of tasks0

The formative “Class coursework tasks” aims to prepare students for the examination. 


The Midterm practical exam tests Learning Outcomes:   1, 2 

The Written Examination tests Learning Outcomes :        2, 3 

The Final Presentation” tests Learning Outcomes:           4, 5, 6


Schrader, C.A. (2005) 2nd edition , A Sense of Dance Leeds: Human Kinetics, Europe Ltd.. 



Olsen, A. (2004) Body Stories: a Guide to Experiential Anatomy, University of England Press.

Will be available through Blackboard.

All work in proper written and verbal English, and use of proper terminology.

Use of Microsoft Word or similar word processing program and an internet connection for access to online art databases (available through college library).

  1. Anatomical structure of muscular and skeletal systems: design, function, articulation and potential for movement. 
  2. Respiratory system: structure, process, correct breathing, relaxation techniques using the breath and efficiency/energy when moving. 
  3. Alignment of the spine: its structure and function and importance to life and movement. 
  4. Placement; relationship of the joints (weight- bearing parts of the body); their articulation when transferring weight, locating balance and accomplishing coordination. 
  5. Kinesthetic awareness and elements of movement: space, time and energy-understanding, perceiving and applying these elements in movement sequences. 
  6. Body designs; movement experiments and structures; movement games that lead to stimulation of spontaneous kinetic expression. 
  7. How to "create" movement; experimenting "hands-on" with practical as well as personal means. 
  8. Study of established body/movement techniques: Alexander technique, Pilates technique, Progressive relaxation techniques, "Therapeutic" movement (primitive expression, etc.). 
  9. Issues of gender, ‘tact’ and ethics in relation to working physically with others. 
  10. Health & safety in physical studio practice.

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6 Gravias Street 153 42
Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece


Careers at Deree

At Deree, we are committed to supporting a dynamic culture of inclusion and individual responsibility. We believe in creating a meaningful and fulfilling work environment.


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6 Gravias Street 153 42
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